Ghost Sweeper Mikami Wiki
Henry, Bobby and Joe
Gender Males
Status Alive
Seiyu Michihiro Ikemizu (Arnold)
Masato Hirano (Schwarze)
Hideyuki Umezu (Negger)
Manga Debut Report 20
Anime Debut Episode 13

Henry (ヘンリー), Bobby (ボビー) and Joe (ジョー), known as Arnold (アーノルド), Schwarze (シュワルツ) and Negger (ネッガー) in the anime, respectively, are three men that work for Emi Ogasawara by protecting her while she prepares to user her powers.

They only appeared in three chapters from the manga. They are later replaced by Tiger Torakichi.

They have more appearances in the anime assisting Emi.

They also appeared in the game Ghost Sweeper Mikami.


  • They are named Tyson, Schwarzenegger, and Jordan in the Spanish anime dub.

Ghost Sweeper Mikami
Main Characters Reiko MikamiTadao YokoshimaKinu Himuro
Kazuhiro KarasuPietro de BloodeauMeiko RokudōYakuchin

Emi OgasawaraTiger TorakichiDoctor ChaosMaria
Teruhiko SaijōMichie MikamiMegumi Marin
Yukinojō DateMari IchimonjiYumi Kaori
ShōryūkiHyakumeShiro InuzukaTamamo

Locations Mikami Ghost Sweeper OfficeOgasawara Ghost Sweeper OfficeYakuchindō
ChurchKōfukusōOrochi GakeMyōjinsan
Shibusaba Jinkō Yūrei Ichigō
Media MangaAnimeFilmNovelGS HolmesHeroes Comeback
Video games (SFCPCE) • crossover games (RPGBaseball) • TCGMerchandise
Ghost SweeperBelieve MeMy Jolly DaysUtsukushiki Tōbōsha Series
Gokuraku Ongaku Daisakusen!!Gorgeous SongsGokuraku Daisakusen!!Drama CD
Related Terminology